Exciting Life Updates!!

Not an awful lot of craziness has been happening so I don’t have much to write but I do have a little bit of great news and a lot of beautiful pictures!

The great news: I was recently accepted for a 5 month extension on my internship! So that keeps me down here till at least May of 2017! I’m beyond excited! 

The pictures:

We were working at a house with scorpions…

Two alligator friends made appearances on the same day….

We got amazing new tools…

Blue Curls finally bloomed and oh my were they amazing!!!…

I helped out at Baileyfest at the SCCF booth…

I got to go to Kansas again for a weekend!…

I also got to plan out, plant, and mulch a few small beds by myself (just dune sunflowers but understanding spacing is important!)…

We found the tree of life at my class on Pine Island! 

And Christmas Berry too!!…

The girls took me out for my birthday…

The interns  worked Wines in the Wild at the homestead…

It was beautiful all lit up!!…

I harvested and cleaned a ton of seeds!…

I found a monarch caterpillar on some beautiful Milkweed…

We had a bonfire on the beach to watch a meteor shower! (The is not my picture! A friend of ours took it with a super nice camera!) 

Life is wonderful on the island. 

-The Plant Lady